
Real-Time Payment Data Posting

Connect2Core is a hub for financial institutions that provides real-time payment data posting, allowing instant visibility of account transactions. Connect2Core is backed by our integrated Transaction Enablement™ platform with advanced risk mitigation processes to ensure safe and secure transactions.

Instant Payment Visibility
at the
Speed of Now

Account Holders

Financial Institutions

Our Connect2Core solution offers tailored integrations and partners with these leading banking cores:

Jack Henry Symitar, Corelation, and Fiserv DNA

Outdated Transaction Method

Specific Account # Required.
Room for Human Error.
Single Payment reflects in 1-2 business days.


Connect2Core Transaction Enablement


Account holder provides
member ID.

FI effortlessly performs multiple account lookups.
Pay across multiple accounts all at once.
Payment submitted and posted to the core for real-time satisfaction.

Stay connected and secure with Connect2Core.

In a world of instant gratification, real-time visibility for your financial institution and your account holders is paramount. SWIVEL is proud to offer our payment solution that enables real-time visibility.

This is Transaction Enablement™ at its core.
Connect with us today to learn more.
